Travel Like an Alien

Zuzka Greizinger
I’m a stewardess, but I used to be an editor for the magazine, so I always used to have my head in clouds. In addition, I’ve always been attracted by the heights and distances and so I came up with a great idea – I could explore the world as a flight attendant! ?
This story begins at the airport. Since I bought my first flight ticket for my first flight when I was nineteen years old, I love airports. The right storyteller must love a place that is full of emotions of every kind, place that promises travels far far away, to distant destinations and new adventures…
I’m a stewardess, but I used to be an editor for the magazine, so I always used to have my head in clouds. In addition, I’ve always been attracted by the heights and distances and so I came up with a great idea – I could explore the world as a flight attendant! 🙂
Now I know all the airports in the world and their international codes, I work with nationalities of every kind, I sleep in the best hotels, I go for pizza to Italy, for massage to Thailand and for shopping to China and I’m paid for it. 🙂
Of course, my job is not always easy, but also exhausting and hectic and truly said, there were moments when I cried the whole night through. Often happens I wake up all of sudden in the middle of the night panicking and checking all the devices in my room, because I do not know what the date is, what day of the week, whether is morning or night, what time zone and whether I missed my flight. But when I get out of my bed, open the curtains and behind my window I see glorious shine of Rome, I know that the view is worth all the stress!
Who is interested in what the ordinary life of a ordinary flight attendant looks like, who wants to see the world with my eyes, who likes to travel, to explore and to experience and who is not afraid to throw away all stereotypes, who is curious about new cultures, who is also open minded enough and wants to speak all the languages of the world, who wants to know where they have the best pizza and how much a Tokyo subway ticket is, let them enjoy my news from clouds!
Your Flight Attendant Zuzana