
23 hours

GMT +9
time zone


Zuzka Greizinger
I’m a stewardess, but I used to be an editor for a magazine, so I always have had my head in the clouds. In addition, I’ve always been attracted by the heights and distances and so I came up with a great idea – I could explore the world as a flight attendant! 🙂
After 14 hours of flight, and the fact we have just crossed several time zones (four hours ahead from Abu Dhabi and eight from Europe), I can not be surprised that most of my colleagues do not want to go out into the streets. Perth is also a relatively small town, very quiet and organized, but it has nothing extraordinary about what it might pull you out. For me, however, this is the first step on the Australian continent, so I will not miss the opportunity to get out of the hotel room and after a short sleep I join the pilots for the dinner. In the end, I am the only crew member, only me and three guys from the cockpit. 🙂 To get to the city center we choose a city bus line that is for free! At dinner, I reassess the claim that the city has nothing to offer. Australian Angus steaks are world famous, and white wine from the so-called new world eqaulls to those French and Italian from the old world. In addition, I feel like a princess in a men’s company. After dinner we choose to walk back to the hotel. I take pictures of kangaroo statues, picturesque churches that remind me of those from American movies and Christmas decoration that does not really match green trees and the blooming park. (In Australia, it is summer time!) The next morning I go for the nice long walk in the Langley park alongside the river, where I meet a few runners, but apart from them, there is still a silence, streets are empty, all Australians seem to be sitting in their offices. A great constellation for photos, at least I can show you how Perth looks like in my eyes …

Zuzka Greizinger
I’m a stewardess, but I used to be an editor for a magazine, so I always have had my head in the clouds. In addition, I’ve always been attracted by the heights and distances and so I came up with a great idea – I could explore the world as a flight attendant! 🙂